Hello, my name is Viera and I got woolen
I love sheeps and sheep wool. I don't like to watch the local sources of wool being wasted and thrown, and I'd like to raise it to a commodity, instead of waste. I weave, felt, dye, knit, crochet. If you have not found something you desire, just write me, I will be happy to do anything according to your fiber wishes.
How Jadoli started
With my husband Michi (known as a "german in czech wilderness"¨bought a farm in solitude, in the woods. Buying animals, a modest life in the sign of minimalism, constant testing for waste-free farming, independence. The whole life is a process, every day they teach us something new, we keep trying, and I have failed completely. It's amazing material. Self-cleaning, cools in summer, warms in winter, is antibacterial, leaves no waste and I love it :-)